Rabu, 04 September 2019

Makkiyah dan Madaniyah (PAI I Semester Ganjil 2019/2020)

Definition and Rules Of Studying Makkiyah and Madaniyah

Yanuar Dila Nur Alifa
Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty
University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Alquran sebagai sumber hukum yang muhtafaq mencakup berbagai macam penjabaran yang luas mengenai berbagai macam aspek kehidupan yang meliputi, hukum, akidah, tauhid, akhlak, dan sejarah. Dalam proses penurunan ayat-ayat alquran ditinjau dari segi tempat dan waktunya terbagi menjadi dua penjabaran, yakni melalui studi Makkiyah dan madaniyyah. Diketahui, bahwa studi Makkiyah adalah suatu metode ilmiah yang digunakan untuk mengetahui ayat dan surah-surah dalam alquran yang diturunkan di kota Makkah, sedangkan studi madaniyyah merupakan suatu metode ilmiah yang digunakan untuk mengetahui ayat dan surah-surah dalam alquran yang diturunkan di kota madaniyyah. Pada dasarnya pemahaman mendasar terkait studi makkiyyah dan madaniyyah sangat diperlukan, sebab memberi kemudahan dalam mentelaah dan menafsirkan ayat alquran berdasarkan tempat turunnya, memberi kemudahan dalam memahami gaya bahasa alquran secara terus terang dan tidak terbelit-belit untuk diimplementasikan sebagai metode dakwah, mampu membedakan antara kedudukan nasakh dan mansukh berdasarkan acuan dari ayat Makkiyah serta madaniyyah, dan yang terakhir mampu mengetahui sejarah turunnya ayat-ayat dan surat-surat yang ditinjau berdasarkan perspektif ayat Makkiyah serta madaniyyah.

Keywords: alquran, studi Makkiyah, studi madaniyyah

Alquran as a source of law that muhtafaq covers a wide variety of broad descriptions of various aspects of life which include, law, creed, monotheism, morals, and history. In the process of decreasing the verses of the Koran in terms of place and time is divided into two descriptions, namely through the study of Makkiyah and madaniyyah. It is known, that the study of Makkiyah is a scientific method used to find out verses and surahs in the Qur'an revealed in the city of Mecca, while the study of madaniyyah is a scientific method used to find out verses and suras in the Qur'an revealed in the city of Madaniyyah. Basically, a basic understanding related to the study of Makkiyah and madaniyyah is very necessary, because it provides convenience in studying and interpreting the verses of the Koran based on the place down, giving ease in understanding the style of the language of the Koran frankly and not convoluted to be implemented as a method of da'wah, able to distinguish between positions nasakh and mansukh based on references from verses Makkiyah and madaniyyah, and the latter is able to know the history of the decline of verses and letters that are reviewed based on the perspective of verses Makkiyah and madaniyyah.
Keywords: alquran, Makkiyah study, madaniyyah study

A.  Introduction
Quran is a source of Islamic law that can not be changed scientifically or reason Insaniyah, because the contents in the Quran contains norms and doctrines. The existence of the Quran as guidelines, legal resources, and inspiration to regulate the life of Muslims.  
The scholars and interpreters of ancient times were very concerned about the discovery of the letters and verses of the Quran, they examined each verse by verse and letter by letter to be arranged in accordance with the place down, time down, and the interlocutor or Target. The method is used to investigate letters and verses that include Makkiyah and Madaniyah because in determining the letter or verse requires a clear method.
The science of Makki and Madani is a branch of science in Ulum Qur'an. It is about the science of the verses and the letters that are given to the state of Mecca and Medina.  This definition implies that every letter and verse is not at the same time but varies, so that people must know the benefits of knowing which verses are the between and Mansukh, knowing the meaning and message Contained in the verses and letters depicting an incident at the end of the verse and letter of the Quran, and tell us that the Prophet Muhammad is a uswah hasanah that we have to emulate its nature and behavior.
The understanding of the Quran is very important to be applied in understanding the history and benefit of the decline of verses and letters of the Makkiyah and Madaniyah. Thus, the existence of this journal authors will give an understanding of how verses and letters can be said Makkiyah and Madaniyah and what benefits we can take when knowing the Makkiyah and Madaniyah.

B. The Mackiyah and the Madaniyah 
The Arabian Peninsula is famous for its barren and hot regions, which are divided into two parts namely Makkah and Madinah. Both cities are part of the history of the descent of the Makkiyah and Madaniyah verses, although both cities have the same regional characteristics, but the Quran is put in a different style.  
The definition of the science of Mackiyah and Madaniyah is the science that discusses the letters and verses of the Quran derived in the city of Mecca and Medina. Some scholars ' determination of the opinion of the criteria/basis in determining whether the letter or paragraph including Makkiyah/Madaniyah, as follows:  
1. Pay attention to Mukhaathab (the opposite or the person being targeted)
Letter/verse called Makiyah when it starts with the call "ظالم ايهاالناس" because the inhabitants of Mecca are generally pagan, even though the call was shown to the people of Mecca.

While it is named letter/verse Madaniyah when it begins with the call "يا ايهاالذين امنوا" because of the inhabitants of Medina who are generally believers, although the call is shown to other inhabitants of the Medina

2.  Notice the place of decline of revelation
As scholars ' set some opinions on the basis or criteria for determining Makiyah/Madaniyyah A letter or paragraph as follows:

المكي مانزل بمكه واوبعد الهجلره, والداني مانزل با لمدينه.

"Makkiyah is the one handed down in Mecca, even after the decline; Madaniyah was that which was passed down in Medina. "
From that definition, the name Makkiyah is derived in Mecca and its surroundings, such as: Mina and Arafat. While Madaniyah is a verse that is recorded in Medina, such as: Badar, Sil ', and Uhud. 
Based on this opinion, there are some verses or letters that cannot cover the part of Makkiyah and Madaniyah because they do not descend in Mecca or Medina and some verses of the Quran are revealed when the prophet is on the way, such as Sura Al-Tubat: 43 in Tabuk and Sura Al-Zuhruf: 45 which descended in Baitul Maqdis when the prophet did Isra.

3. Pay attention to the decline.
As the Scholars ' stipulates the period of the decline of verses/letters is the determining basis for Makkiyah/Madaniyah, can be defined as follows:

المكي مانزل قبل هجرة  اللرسول ص.م  وان كان نزوله بغيرمكلة, والمدني مانزل بعد هذه الهجره, وانكان نزوله بمكه.                                                          

"The Mackiyah was descended before the prophet migrated to Medina, notwithstanding the fall outside of Mecca, while the Madaniyah was derived after the prophet had migrated, despite the decline in Mecca."
The definitions of makkiyah and madaniyah according to the classical al-Zarkasyi scholars, namely:
1. This opinion states that makkiyah is a verse or letter which was revealed in Mecca, while madaniyah is a verse or letter which was revealed in Medina.
2. This opinion states that makkiyah is a verse or letter that came down before the Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated, while madaniyah is aayat or a letter that came down after the Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated.
3. This opinion states that makkiyah is a verse or letter that was written to the inhabitants of Makkah, while madaniyah is a verse or letter which was written to the inhabitants of Medina.
The definition above is part and effort to classify the verses of the Qur'an to facilitate the know how the letters and verses of the Qur'an is descending as a letter of Mackiyah or Madaniyah.

C. Examples of Makkiyah and Madaniyah verses
Here are the letters that are included in the letter of Makkiyah or Madaniyah, as follows:  
1. Makkiyah letters consist of 86 letters:


2. The letters of Madaniyah consist of 28 letters:

Ali Imran

D.  Rule in knowing the Mackiyah and Madaniyah 
In determining the rules to know the Mackiyah and Medinan required methods and traits, as follows:

1. The method to know the verses of Makkiyah and Madaniyah, namely: 

A. Naqlis-Sima'i (oral quotation)
The method Naqlis-Sima'i is the verses and letters that tell us whether it includes Makkiyah or Madaniyah by means of a transfer from one of the friends who live in the period of the decline of Revelation and verses from Allah SWT or from a Tabi'in who has listened from a fr Iend.

As For example the verses of Makkiyah and Madaniyah known through the companions are the word of Allah SWT in the Qur'an surah Al-Anfal: 64. Al-Bazzar has narrated from Ibnu'abas Ra., that the verse was revealed when Umar ibn Khatab entered the religion of Islam. Later, after knowing Umar ibn Khatab entered Islam in Makkah, it was classed as a verse in the Mackyah verses.

B. Qiyas-Ijtihadi
The method of Qiyas-Ijtihadi is the verses and letters found in the Makkiyah verse suping the specificity of Medina or about something about it, so they say that the verse is a Madaniyah verse. While It is found a verse that contains the Mackiyah of Mecca or something from the events of Mecca, then they say that the verse is a Makkiyah verse.

If there is a passage beginning with Lafadz  "ظالم ايهاالناس " This includes the Qiyas Ijtihad form. So the former said that all the letters containing the story of the Prophet and the people who were then called the verse of Mackiyah. Whereas any letter that contains the law of the Limit (Skriminalitas) is the verse of Madaniyah and begins with Lafadz  "يا ايهاالذين امنوا ".

Az-Zarkasyi Quotes al-Ja'bari's declaration to know the verses of Mackiyah and Madaniyah, namely using the methods of Sima'i and Qiyasi;  

• The Sima'i method is a verse or letter that is up to him (the) descent with the Mackiyah and the Madaniyah.

• Method Qiyas, namely:
- the verse in which there is Lafadz: "Yes Ayyuhannas" (o all Mankind);
-  every verse contained in it is Kalla;
-  begins with Hijaiyah letters, except for the letters AZ-Zahrawain (Al-Baqarah and Ali Imron) and the letter Ar-Ra'du
- There is a story of Adam and Satan, except he (the glorious state; al-Halah ar-Rafi'ah).
- There in are the stories of the Prophet and the people of old. All letters that categorize these traits are Makkiyah letters, whereas letters containing obligations and laws are Madaniyah.

2. How to know the verse or letter of Mackiyah and Madaniyah
To know the characteristics of the verses and Letters of the Mackkiyah and Madaniyah have two kinds, namely the characteristic that is Qath'i and Aghlabi, as follows: 

A. Characteristic for Makkiyah letter.
1.  The characteristic of the Makkiyah Suat is Qath'i. Consists of 6 distinctive characteristics in the letter Makkiyah Qath'i, namely:
· Each letter consisting of a prostration letter in his letter.
·  Each letter in which there is a Lafadz "Kalla" which means to give a firm warning dank eras to humans.
· A letter that contains Lafadz "Yaa Ayyuhannas" and not "Yaa Ayyuhalladzina Amanu". A letter containing the stories of the prophets and the former mankind
· Each letter beginning with the letter Tahajji (alphabet letters).  The letter of Tahajji is "alif-laam Ro"

2. Characteristic of the Makkiyah suat that is Aghlabi. A second feature in the Aghlabi Makkiyah letter, which means a characteristic that indicates Makkiyah, consists of 5 Macaam namely:
· The verses and their letters are short (Ijaz) and the tone of the word is loud and somewhat rhyme.
· Has a meaning that contains a call to the faith in Allah SWT and the day of the Kiyamat and describing the state of heaven and Nerka.
· Invite people to be noble and walk on good and righteous roads.
· Refute the Musrik and explain the mistakes of belief and deed
· There are a lot of oath Lafadz.

B. Characteristic for the letter of the Madaniyah.
1. Characteristic of the letter of Madaniyah which is Qath'i, consists of 4 kinds, namely:
· Each letter contains jihadi permits (warring) or mentions the word war and describes its laws.
· Letters that describe criminal law, Farid Law/inheritance, civil rights, rules relating to civil/Civil, societal and state.
· A letter that alludes to the Munafiq people.
·  A letter that denies the religious beliefs/establishments/ordinances of the Bible (Christian and Jewish) are considered wrong, and invites them not to overdo it in their religion.

2. The distinctive characteristic of an Aghlabi Madaniyyah letter, consisting of two kinds:
· Some of the letters are long, some verses length (Ithnab) and the language style is quite clear in explaining the laws of religion.
·  Explain in detail the evidence and evidence that demonstrates the religious nature.

After we know the methods and characteristics of letters and verses of Makkiyah and Madaniyah, we need to know that the letter of Makkiyah and Madaniyah does not necessarily contain the verses of Makkiyah and Madaniyah, it can be in the letter of the Mackiyah there are letters of Madaniyah, such as Surah Al-Baqarah the letter clarified as the letter of the Madaniyah "ظالم ايهاالناس" which became the Dhawabith verses of the Makkiyyah, while the Surah Al-Hajj is clarified as the Mackiyah letter turned into the hallmark of the letter Madaniyah because there is Lafadz "يا ايهاالذين امنوا" in his letter.  

E. The usefulness of studying Mackyah and Madaniyah 
The use of studying the Mackiyah and Madaniyah Sciences has a lot of benefits. Al-Zarqani explains in his word "Manahilul ' Irfan ́" about the usefulness of this science, namely: 
1. Distinguish and know the verses Mansukh and Nasikh, namely if there are two or more verses about a problem, while the law contradicts, then it can be known that the verse is one Makkiyah while the other verse is Madaniyah, then the verse It is the Makkiyah that is narrated by a Madaniyah verse, because the verse of Madaniyah is the one in the end.
2. Knowing the history of Islamic law and its development, namely we can increase our belief in the height of Islamic wisdom in educating people, both individually and in society.
3.  Increase our belief in the greatness, chastity, and authenticity of the Koran for seeing the big attention of Islamic Ummah on matters relating to the Koran.
4. Assisting in the interpretation of the Koran. To give knowledge to the place of verse downs and know the verses that are appointed (Madlul) and the cues expressed.
5. To provide knowledge of the history of legal civilization (date of at-Tasyri') and the phases of loading (Tajridah)

As for other uses to know the importance of the study of Makkiyah and Madaniyah according to Fazlur Rahman Yitu taught the importance of history and sociological in the recitation of the Quran. According to the serious historical approach of reviewing the Quran in its chronological will give a fairly accurate conception of the basic impulse of the Islamic Movement built from the decree of the Koran. While the sociological approach gives a picture of the social condition in the Quran that is derived will give a picture of the elisticity and flexibility of understanding of the Koran that in the end demonstrates the universal nature.

F. Conclusion
After going through the study mentioned that Makkiyah and Madaniyah have three different definitions, namely: After Makkiyah and Madaniyah have three different resolutions, namely: by paying attention to the interlocutor or the person being targeted, then Makkiyah is a cry of verse or letter that begins with "يا ايهاالناس" because occupation of Mecca as an alternative to infidels, while Madaniyah is a verse or letter a letter that starts with "يا ايهاالذين امنوا" because the people of Medina are generally believers; in observing the place of descent, makkiyah verses or letters sent down in Mecca, while madaniyah verses or letters sent down in Medina; in considering the Fall, makkiyah verses or letters sent down before the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina, while the madaniyah verses or letters taken from the Prophet Muhammad migrated.
The Makkiyah Letter Classification consists of 86 letters, while in the Madaniyah letter consists of 28 letters. In knowing whether the letter or verse includes makkiyah and madaniyah by using 2 methods, namely the Naqlis-Sima'I method, is a verse or letter relating to us about the letter is makkiyah and madaniyah by means of narration of friends who lived during the period of revelation from Allah SWT, and the Qiyas-Ijtihadi method verses or letters found in verses makkiyah and madaniyah whose verses are descended down in Makkah are called makkiyah verses, these verses in Medina are called madaniyah.


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