Senin, 06 Mei 2019

Double Movement Fazlurrahman (PAI I ICP Semester Genap 2018/2019)


Fiana Shohibatussholihah (16110067), Indah Yuliza Tri Hartati (16110146)
Students of Islamic Religious Education Class I
Islamic University state of Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang

                Polygamy is one of the problems in family law. The word polygamy itself comes from Greece "polygamie", namely poly means a lot and gamie means male, so the meaning of polygamy is a man who has more than one woman in a marriage bond. Islamic interpreters and thinkers have different understandings of verse 3 in the An-Nisa 'surah that allows polygamy. Behind the pros and cons that occur in the problem of polygamy, Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988 AD), a Pakistani intellectual, is one of the reformers who made an original contribution to the emergence of a major breakthrough in the notion of Islam, especially in the Al-Quran in the 20th century. polygamy in the contemporary era using the theory of double movement. That is an interpretation method which contains 2 (two) movements, the first movement departs from the present situation towards the situation when the Qur'an was revealed and the second movement returns again, that is, from the situation of the Qur'an revealed to the present this will presuppose the progress of revelation.
Keywords: Fazlur Rahman , Double-Movement Theory, Polygamy
            Poligami merupakan salah satu persoalan di dalam hukum keluarga. Kata poligami sendiri berasal dari Yunani “polygamie”, yaitu poly berarti banyak  dan  gamie  berarti  laki-laki,  sehingga arti  dari  poligami  adalah  laki-laki  yang  beristri  lebih  dari  satu orang wanita dalam satu ikatan perkawinan. Para mufassir dan pemikir Islam memiliki pemahaman yang berbeda-beda terhadap ayat 3 dalam surah An-Nisa’ yang memperbolehkan berpoligami.Dibalik pro dan kontra yang terjadi dalam masalah poligami, Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988 M), seorang intelektual berkebangsaan Pakistan, adalah salah seorang reformer yang memberikan kontribusi orisinal pada munculnya gebrakan besar pemikian Islam khususnya bidang al Quran di abad 20 yang juga beliaumembahastentangpoligami di zaman kontemporerinidenganmenggunakanteoridouble movement.Yaitusebuah metode penafsiran yang memuat di dalamnya 2 (dua) gerakan, gerakan pertama berangkat dari situasi sekarang menuju ke situasi masa Al-Qur’an diturunkan dan gerakan kedua kembali lagi, yakni dari situasi masa Al-Qur’an diturunkan menuju ke masa kini, yang ini akan mengandaikan  progresivitas pewahyuan.

Kata Kunci:Fazlur Rahman , Teori Double-Movement, Poligami

A.    Preliminary

            Marriage in the form of polygamy has developed for a long time, but the discussion and debate between agreeing and disagreeing with polygamy remains up to date in the community, and in discussions of Muslim intellectuals. Among the reasons for opposing polygamy are because many are considered to have negative effects and are considered to discriminate against women. While those who agree with this practice, state the reason that Islam does not prohibit polygamy, and in certain conditions polygamy is one of the solutions to the problems of households and society.Islamic interpreters and thinkers have different understandings of verse 3 in the An-Nisa 'surah that allows polygamy. Some scholars make the verse the basis for polygamy. Some others affirm that the verse is related to fair treatment of orphans who are married, as well as to wives who are not from orphans.
            Behind the pros and cons of the problem of polygamy, Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988 AD), a Pakistani intellectual who grew up in America, was one of the reformers who made an original contribution to the emergence of a major Islamic ideology, especially the Al-Quran in the 20th century The agenda for reform is centered on a reinterpretation or reinterpretation of the Qur'an, which will have implications for the problem of polygamy in this contemporary age.
            This simple paper will examine Fazlur Rahman's thinking about the building of the method of interpreting the Qur'an, namely the hermeneutic double movement and its implications for the current problem of polygamy.

B.     Biography

   Fazlur Rahman who has the full name of Fazlur Rahman Malik(Urdu: فضل الرحمان ملک),the child of the couple Maulana Shihab al-Din and Zabair Hadir, was born on September 21, 1919 in an area called Hazara, the empire of the Indo-Pakistani subcontinent now known as the country of Pakistan. The social situation of the community when Fazlur Rahman was born was marked by a public debate between the three warring groups, namely: modernists, traditionalists and fundamentalists who all claimed the truth of their opinions. The debate heated up after when Pakistan as a country was declared separated from India and became a sovereign and independent country on August 14, 1947.[1]With this socio-historical setting, it is not surprising that Rahman developed into a liberal and radical thinker in the map of renewal of Islamic thought.[2]
   During his childhood, Fazlur Rahman grew up in a religious Hanafi’s madzhab family, a madzhab that was more rationalistic than Maliki, Syafi'i, and Hanbali madzhab. He received intense religious education from his parents so that at the age of ten, he was able to memorize the holy Quran by heart. He was also skilled and used to performing prayers, fasting, without ever leaving it. From his father, Fazlur Rahman received a lot of education in the study of interpretation, hadith, and fiqh. Whereas while hanging out with his mother, Rahman learned valuable lessons about the values ​​of truth, love, and loyalty.[3]
                        But since he was a teenager, Rahman was skeptical of hadiths. According to him, in the early days of Islamic history, most of the hadiths that existed were not sourced from the Prophet Muhammad, but came from sahabah, tabi'in, and the third generation of Muslims (atba at-tabi’in). This is not because the Prophet's hadiths are indeed few in number, but because of the actions of later generations.[4]
At the age of 14, Rahman began to experience the modern school and higher education in Lahore in 1933 and still continues to study with his father. Even at Punjab University of Lahore, Fazlur Rahman graduated with an award for Arabic (BA) and there he also received his MA degree. Fazlur Rahman is a very critical thinker so he is considered different from people in general. He criticized the low quality of education in India at the time. So he decided to continue his education in England. At that time it was considered very taboo if there were Muslims who studied Islam in the plains of Europe. Even if they succeed in passing and returning to their place of origin, it will be difficult to accept by the surrounding community. But it did not dampen Fazlur Rahman's determination to study in England. Fazlur Rahman received his Ph.D. in philosophy at Oxford University, England, in 1951. During his time at Oxford University, he actively studied many languages. At least he mastered English, Latin, Greek, Turkish, Persian, Arabic and Urdu. He also gave lectures on Islamic Philosophy at Durham University, England and the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, Canada.[5]

   In 1950-1958, he became a lecturer in Persian Studies and Islamic Philosophy at Durhan University. In 1958, Fazlur Rahman was appointed as Associate Professor at the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University in Montreal, where Fazlur Rahman settled in this area until 1961. After the Pakistani government rolled in the hands of the modern-minded Ayyub Khan, Fazlur Rahman was called to fix his native country. Rahman was willing to leave his academic career for a challenge in facing his own country. In the following year (1962 to 1968), Fazlur Rahman was appointed as Director of the Central Institute of Islamic Research in Pakistan.[6]He was also listed as a member of the Islamic Ideology Advisory Board which gave him the opportunity to review the practice of power up close. At this time, he was noted to have initiated the publication of the Journal of Islamic Studies, where Fazlur Rahman accommodated his ideas.
                        Still while in that position, Fazlur Rahman sent several people abroad to receive training and degrees in Islamic studies, both to universities in the West and East. However, this effort and his position did not last long because Fazlur Rahman often reaped criticism and attacks from traditionalists and fundamentalists. This situation continued until it was aggravated by the explosion of political tension between Ayyub Khan and traditional clerics. Fazlur Rahman had to move to Chicago and was immediately crowned professor of Islamic thought at the University of Chicago until the end of his life.
                        During his time in Pakistan, Fazlur Rahman published two important books, Islamic Methodology in History (1964) and Islam (1966). The first is a historical-critical analysis of the prophetic tradition (or aḥādīth) and the role they play in the development of the Sunnah of the Prophet, one of the two main sources of Islamic law. The latter text, on the other hand, is a general reader of Islam which views various branches of Islamic learning, including theology, sharia, and Sufism, in addition to the textual sources of Islam (the Qur'an, Sunnah, etc.). This book remains an important work reference about Islam. This can also be described as a translation of the Islamic worldview in the context of modernity.
More specifically, there are several works by Fazlur Rahman which are published in book form, including:
1.    Avicenna’s Psychology (1952)
2.    Prophecy in Islam: Philosophy and Orthodoxy (1958)
3.    Islamic Metodology in History (1964)
4.    Islam (1966)
5.    The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra (1975)
6.    Major Themes of the Quran (1980)
7.    Islam & Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition (1982)
8.    Health and Medicine in Islamic Tradition: Change and Identity (1987)
9.    Revival and Reform in Islam (2000)
Throughout his life story, Fazlur Rahman became famous as a leading Muslim modernist intellectual who had the aim of arousing Islamic thought. Fazlur Rahman became the first Muslim recipient of the Giorgio Levidella Vida medal, which symbolized the peak of achievement in the field of Islamic civilization studies from UCLA's Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies.

C.    Double-Movement Theory
   Islamic studies that include text and social studies, of course, must continue to be developed, so that they have the wealth and variants of the findings that will benefit scientific existence and have pragmatic benefits for the community. Integration and interconnection of Islamic Studies with other fields of study is clearly inevitable. The study of texts in Islamic Studies is an important part that needs attention. The development of this study can be done by trying to associate with other fields, such as lingusitics and hermeneutics.
   The hermeneutic method emphasizes awareness in text, context, and contextualization. So all of that has also become part of the consciousness of classical interpreters. The study of text for example, has become the basic instrument of the mufassir and usuli (experts of fiqh proposal). The contextualization aspect is also inseparable from the attention of some classical period Qur'an reviewers. The study of the concept of maslahah or maqasid al-syari'ah can be included in this domain. Maqasid al-syari'ah is intended as a result of interpretation or the product of ijtihad is truly capable of bringing good to the people. The books of ushul fiqh by classical Muslim scholars have provided a significant portion of this.
   The nature of the Qur'an which is historical causes hermeneutic ideas and hermeneutics theory (methods of interpretation). This theory becomes very urgent work to be developed in understanding the meaning of the Qur'an as a whole. The hope, the theological parts and legal ethics can be placed in a unified whole. Through this method, a weltanschauung (worldview) of the Qur'an can be formulated and understood. If humans want to think optimally and want to take advantage of their rational minds, they will realize that in fact the immense blessings of the Qur'an are thoughts and understanding of the intentions and meanings contained in them to then realize their ideas in acts of religious and world.
   The description of Fazlur Rahman's thoughts was important because he was a prominent contemporary Islamic thinker and figure. His expertise is reflected in ideas that are appreciated in a number of books and articles, ranging from the problems of philosophy, theology, mysticism, law to contemporary development issues, which are no longer doubtful, requiring new interpretations of the content of the Qur'an. The challenges of modern and contemporary life require Fazlur Rahman to think hard in finding prescriptions in order to overcome the life problems that arise, realizing him to review some standard views among Muslims, but not accommodating and even difficult to apply in people's lives. Fazlur Rahman views the need to reinterpret the Qur'an. In this case, he offered a method of contemporary interpretation that was different from the previous interpretation methods of the era. Interpretation methods that have unique and interesting nuances to be studied intensively, namely the popular method with names “DoubleMovement”. [7]
   Fazlur Rahman considers it necessary to develop several scientific tools to control the progress of the Qur'anic interpretation. According to him there are 3 tools that must be mastered by everyone who will interpret the Qur'an. First, not only knowledge of the language is needed to understand the holy Quran correctly, but also about the idioms of Arabic Language. From here, it develops the grammar of Arabic, sciences, and Arabic literature. Second, the background of the decline of the verses of the Qur'an (asbabun nuzul). Third, the hostoris tradition which contains a report on how people in the Prophet's community understood the commands of the Qur'an. After these requirements are met, then the use of human reason is given a place.[8]
In connection with that, he made the category of Islam into two, namely: Normative Islam and Historical Islam. The method of historical criticism as a method is used fully in studying historical Islam in all its aspects. The development of this method of renewing Islamic law is clearly seen in its historical studies, as in his book Islamic Methodology in History; Islam; dan Islam and Modernity:Transformation of an Intelectual Tradition, Mayor Themes of The Qur’an, TowardReformulation the Methodology of Islamic law and Interpreting the Qur’an.Other method that often called isHermeneutic Methodis a method for understanding and interpreting ancient texts such as scripture, history, law, also in philosophy. The text of the Divine Book so that it can be understood and understood requires an effort of interpretation. Historical texts written in the past few centuries using complex language cannot be understood in a certain period of time without proper interpretation. Solid legal language also requires an effort of interpretation, because a legal provision contains two aspects, namely the express and the implicit aspects, or between the sound of the law and the spirit of law.
   In terms of this second method, Rahman uses it to interpret Normative Islam, namely the Holy Quran. As far as hermeneutic principles are concerned: understanding the text as a whole is not piecemeal, understanding the text according to the will of its creator, reviving it in the situation of the subjects who interpret it. But Rahman denies Gadamer's subjective hermeneutics by continuing through two principal steps, namely: First, by adhering to the general principles contained in the Qur'anic text. Second, taking into account the background or objective situation of the holy Qur'an's downward period, where it is a response to the objective situation at that time. The handle of the general principles of the holy Quran is a normative value in hermeneutics.[9]
   Hermeneutic double movement is a method of interpretation which contains 2 (two) movements, the first movement departing from the present situation towards the situation of the Quranic time revealed and the second movement back again, that is, from the situation of the Qur'anic period down to the present, this will presupposes the progression of revelation. The first movement in the process or method of interpretation consists of 2 (two) steps, namely: The first step, namely when an interpreter will solve a problem that arises from the current situation, the interpreter should understand the meaning or meaning of a verse by examining historical situations or problems where the verse al Quran is the answer. Of course, before examining specific verses in the light of their specific situations, a study affects the macro situation within the boundaries of society, religion, customs, institutions, even about life as a whole in Arabia without overriding Persian-Byzantine warfare to be carried out. The second step, generalizes the answers to these specific answers and states them as statements that have general moral-social goals, which are filtered from the specific verses in the light of the historical background and the frequently stated legislation. In this process attention must be given to the direction of the teachings of the holy Quran as a whole so that each particular meaning is understood, every law is stated, and every goal formulated is coherent with the others. This is because the teachings of the Qur'an do not contain contradictions, they are all solid, cohesive, and consistent.
   The second movement, the general teachings were embodied in the concrete socio-historical context in the present. This once again requires careful study of the current situation and analysis of various component elements so that we can assess the current situation and change the current conditions as far as necessary and determine new priorities to be able to implement the values ​​of the Qur'an as well as the core of Rahman's thinking above is to formulate a complete ethical vision of the Koran as a general principle and then apply the general principle in special cases that arise in the current situation. According to the author, Rahman's idea has such advantages because the opportunity to accommodate and provide the basis for solutions to various special problems becomes very open. Especially when we look at the limited nature of the text area (read: ayat al Quran), while the problem areas are unlimited. Furthermore, if put in 3 (three) basic concepts of hermeneutics above, Rahman is a thinker behind Schleiermacher and Dilthey, who wants an objective product of interpretation. Indicators of objectivity will be measured in accordance with the ethical vision of the Koran as general principles or not. From here the interpreter, according to Rahman, will be able to escape from its effective history. [10]
D.    Polygamy

            There are two forms of marriage in Islam, namely monogamy and polygamy. Monogamy is a natural form of marriage, because in it there is an exclusive spirit in bestowing compassion, love and sexual services a pair of husband and wife without sharing with others. On this basis, some scholars say that the principle of marriage in Islam is monogamous, because this form of marriage is considered more appropriate and can form the goal of sakinah marriage, mawaddahwarahmah.
            The opposite of monogamy is polygamy, meaning marriage with more than a woman. In terms of terminology, polygamy means the form of joint ownership of a wife or husband. If you have more than one partner, your husband is called polygyny, while those who have more than one partner are called polyadri. But in everyday language, the term more popular polygamy shows the form of marriage where a husband has more than one wife. In Islam, the maximum limit for the number of women who can be married according to the number of ulama is four. The practice of polygamy has existed far from before the Prophet Muhammad practiced polygamy and Islam allowed it. In the old covenant it was stated that Solomon had seven hundred noble wives and three hundred concubines. Polygamy expanded in addition to the Arab Jahiliyah community, also in the Hebrews and Sicilians, who later spread most of the Russians, Lithuanians, Poles, Czechoslovakia, and Yogoslavia, as well as parts of Germany, Switzerland, Norway and England. Until the 17th century or early 18th century the church still recognized polygamy.[11]
                        Polygamy is one of the problems in family law. The word polygamy itself comes from Greece "polygamie", namely poly means a lot and gamie means male, so the meaning of polygamy is a man who has more than one woman in a marriage bond. Like a husband may have two wives or more at the same time.[12]The majority of women refuse polygamy for various reasons they have and the minority agrees to commit polygamy against themselves.
                        Fazlur Rahman's interpretation of the verses of polygamy is one form of hermeneutical application that he initiated. Fazlur Rahman does not specifically discuss the issue of polygamy in his book, but the verses of polygamy are only one example of the problem discussed by Rahman in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an, which is written in his book "The Main Theme of the Qur'an". In this case the verses of polygamy are discussed in the human theme as members of society. These thematic interpretations are presented with philosophical reflections.[13]
This issue of polygamy was highlighted by Fazlur Rahman because it became an actual discussion at that time in Pakistan. The purpose of the spotlight is to respond to the views of the early ulama who formed a self-proclaimed state as an Islamic state of Pakistan. Pakistani scholars generally believe that the practice of wives is more than one permissible in Islam. This is justified by the Qur'an, even given tolerance to four wives.
                        This view for Fazrul Rahman reduces the desire of the quran itself which is actually the desire of the quran not the practice of many wives. The practice is not in accordance with the dignity that has been given by the quran to women. The status of women who have tended to be subordinated as human beings to two will become even stronger if the practice of polygamy remains in force.
                        Holy Quran states that men and women have the same position and rights. Then the holy Quran statement that men may have a wife of up to four wife should be understood in a comprehensive ethical sense. There are conditions that are proposed by holy Quran, which are related to justice in the household. This requirement in the assumption of Fazlur Rahman is actually an figurative indication to illustrate how men cannot treat their wives equally or fairly. Ayat al-quran is used as the basis for validating the practice of polygamy, the Sura An Nisa verse 3:
وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَىٰ فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَىٰ وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ ۖ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَدْنَىٰ أَلَّا تَعُولُوا
The meaning: “And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].” (An Nisaa: 3)
To understand the message of al-quran in the verse, socio-historical search should be carried out. Because the problem relates to the orphans revealed in the previous verse, namely in the surah An Nisa verse 2:
وَآتُوا الْيَتَامَىٰ أَمْوَالَهُمْ ۖ وَلَا تَتَبَدَّلُوا الْخَبِيثَ بِالطَّيِّبِ ۖ وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَهُمْ إِلَىٰ أَمْوَالِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ حُوبًا كَبِيرًا
The Meaning: “And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin.” (An Nisaa: 2)
                        After the unjustified emphasis of the guardians on the property of orphans, especially the orphans, the al-quran then allowed the guardians to marry them to four people. But according to Fazlur Rahman, there is one principle that is often ignored by scholars in this case, namely the impossibility of justice that can be done by the husband towards each of his wives. So, the deepest message of the moral ideal of the quran does not advocate polygamy and advocate monogamy. Life which is generally agreed upon by two parties, men and women.
                        Holy Quran accepts the legal provisions for more than one (two, three or four) wives because of the impossibility of removing the practice of far-reaching polygamy at once, considering the practice of polygamy known long before Islam came. Polygamy already exists in the nations that lived in ancient times, such as Greece, China, India, Babylon, Ashria, Egypt, and others. In fact, polygamy in the community is not limited to 130 wives for a husband. A king in China actually has as many as 30,000 wives.[14]Even the practice of polygamy has become a tradition for Arab society to continue until the Qur'an is revealed.
                        According to Fazlur Rahman, the moral ideal of the holy Qur'an must compromise the actual conditions of Arab society in the 7th century, when polygamy was deeply rooted in society, so that legally it cannot be revoked instantly because it will destroy the moral ideal itself. Thus, the logical consequence of holy Quran statements is that in the normal situation polygamy is prohibited. However, as an institution that already exists, polygamy is legally recognized, with the consideration that if the social environment has allowed polygamy to be prohibited. This supposition occurs because the absence of any reformer, if he is to succeed, can ignore the real situation of the field and merely issue visionary statements. Unfortunately, this is not understood by the generation of Muslims who came later, and the fact that it frustrates the basic goals (moral ideals) contained therein.[15]

E.     Closing

                After going through a long explanation about biography, the theory of double-movement along with its application in polygamy,that Fazlur Rahman as an intellectual born in Pakistan has carried out a reconstruction of the interpretation of the Koran by formulating a hermeneutic double movement or multiple movement hermeneutics which has implications for the viewpoint that discusses polygamy.
            Polygamy is one of the problems in family law. The word polygamy itself comes from Greece "polygamie", namely poly means a lot and gamie means male, so the meaning of polygamy is a man who has more than one woman in a marriage bond. Like a husband may have two wives or more at the same time.Fazlur Rahman's interpretation of the verses of polygamy is one form of hermeneutical application that he initiated. Fazlur Rahman does not specifically discuss the issue of polygamy in his book, but the verses of polygamy are only one example of the problem discussed by Rahman in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an, which is written in his book "The Main Theme of the Qur'an" . In this case the verses of polygamy are discussed in the human theme as members of society. These thematic interpretations are presented with philosophical reflections.
            According to Fazlur Rahman, the moral ideal of the Qur'an must compromise with the actual conditions of Arab society in the 7th century, when polygamy was deeply rooted in society, so that legally it cannot be revoked instantly because it will destroy the moral ideal itself. Thus, the logical consequence of al-quran statements is that in the normal situation polygamy is prohibited. However, as an institution that already exists, polygamy is legally recognized, with the consideration that if the social environment has allowed polygamy to be prohibited. This supposition occurs because the absence of any reformer, if he is to succeed, can ignore the real situation of the field and merely issue visionary statements.


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Oke, I want to watch your presentation tomorrow...

[1]Moh. Agus Sifa’ – Muhammad Aziz, “Telaah Kritis Pemikiran Hermeneutika “Double Movement” Fazlur Rahman (1919 - 1988)”. AL HIKMAH Jurnal Studi Keislaman. Vol. 8 No. 1, Maret 2018, Hlm. 115.
[2]Sucipto, “Konsep Hermeneutika Fazlur Rahman Dan Impilikasinya Terhadap Eksistensi Hukum Islam”.ASAS Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam.Vol. 4 No. 2, Juni 2012, Hlm. 2.
[3]Ulya, “Hermeneutika Double Movement Fazlur Rahman : Menuju Penetapan Hukum Bervisi Etis”.Ulul Albab. Vol. 12 no. 2, 2011, Hlm. 113.
[4]Abdul Mustaqin, EpistemologiTafsirKontemporer,(Yogyakarta: PT LKis Printing Cemerlang, 2007) Hlm. 88.
[5]Zaprulkhan, “Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Studi Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Fazlur Rahman”. Epistemé. Vol. 9, No. 2, Desember 2014, Hlm. 320.
[6]Fazlur Rahman, Major Themes of the Qur’an. (United States of America: The University of Chicago Press. 2009) Hlm. ii.
[7]RifkiAhdaSumantri. “Hermeneutika Al-Qur’an Fazlur Rahman”.Komunika.Vol. 7, No.1.Januari-Juni 2013.Hlm. 2-4.
[8]Ajahari, “Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman dan Muhammad Arkoun”, Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat. Vol. 12, No. 2. Desember 2016. Hlm. 247.
[9]Budiarti, “StudiMetode Jihad Double Movement Fazlur Rahman TerhadapPembaharuanHukum Islam”.Zawiyah.Vol.3 No.1.Juli 2017.Hlm. 28-29.

[10]Ulya,Op.cit.,Hlm. 120.
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